The Platinum-Blond Man

The exercise was created 2016-03-17 by etmarite. Question count: 51.

Select questions (51)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • display uppvisning
  • foulness skamlighet
  • deserve förtjäna
  • various olika
  • possibilities möjligheter
  • dyed färgat
  • glistening glänsande
  • caution varning
  • crop snagg
  • bald skallig
  • snap snäsa
  • sense betydelse
  • sink vask
  • vigorous kraftfull
  • accompany åtfölja
  • grunt grymtning
  • contents innehåll
  • drain avlopp
  • asonably hyfsat
  • replace ersätta
  • devour sluka
  • hunk stor bit
  • smother täcka
  • incapable oförmögen
  • appearance framträdande
  • immediately omedelbart
  • create skapa
  • wage lön
  • occasion tillfälle
  • flog sälja
  • treasure skatt
  • trust lita på
  • huge enorm
  • stop dead stanna tvärt
  • quiver darra
  • splendid lysande
  • simply enkelt
  • admire beundra
  • entire hela
  • lid lock
  • front framsida
  • imagine föreställa sig
  • lavatory toa
  • pan WC
  • diluted utspädd
  • wail klaga
  • anxiously oroligt
  • appointment tid
  • instant ögonblick
  • emergency nödfall
  • boot sparka

All None

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