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The exercise was created 2019-11-05 by etmarite. Question count: 20.

Select questions (20)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • vet veterinär
  • ordinary vanlig
  • expect vänta sig
  • killer whale späckhuggare
  • razor-sharp knivskarp
  • tonsil (hals)mandel
  • trouble svårighet, problem
  • gentle mjuk, vänlig
  • vicious argsint, bångstyrig, plågsam
  • bad-tempered vresig, sur
  • direction riktning
  • spit spotta
  • contents innehåll
  • emu australisk struts
  • penguin pingvin
  • examine undersöka
  • sticky tape tejp
  • beak näbb
  • tranquilizer lugnande medel
  • asleep låg och sov djupt

All None

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