Verbs in different tenses + modals

The exercise was created 2025-02-13 by carwin. Question count: 50.

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Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • I had never been that mad before. (varit)
  • Tim has fallen head over heals for Anna. (fallit)
  • The ashes from the volcano spread across Iceland. (spred sig)
  • I can't get this stupid wallpaper to stick to the wall. (fastna)
  • I remember when we sat on a beach in Thailand and watched the sunset. (satt)
  • No one knows when the burglar will strike again. (slå till)
  • We had to stand in line for hours to get tickets for the concert. (stå)
  • The donated money will make a big difference for the people of Tahiti. (göra)
  • Mary Shelly wrote Frankenstein when she was just seventeen years old. (skrev)
  • Tim apologized so I forgave him. (förlät)
  • He has already forgotten what he said a minute ago. (glömt)
  • Laura has finally become a surgeon. (blivit)
  • I have thought about you today. (tänkt)
  • Have you bought a new phone? (köpt)
  • Tom has learnt to speak Spanish. (lärt sig)
  • The doctors will hopefully find a cure for AIDS in the future. (hitta)
  • My favourite author has written a new book. (skrivit)
  • My mom threw away my favourite sweater. (slängde)
  • I need to buy a new jacket. Jag behöver köpa en ny jacka.
  • Do you know when they bought that car? Vet du när de köpte den där bilen?
  • Can you light the fire? Kan du tända elden?
  • He has hurt me before. Han har sårat mig förut.
  • She doesn't have a blue car. Hon har inte en blå bil.
  • Where have you been? Var har du varit?
  • The boys have grown since last summer. Pojkarna har växt sedan förra sommaren.
  • We had caught a big fish. Vi hade fångat en stor fisk.
  • Blåste du ut ljusen? Did you blow out the candles?
  • Jane's mother asked her not to wear the black skirt. Janes mamma bad henne att inte ha/ta på sig den svarta kjolen.
  • Dad should (borde) go and see a doctor. His cough is getting worse.
  • When I visited my grandparents as a child they would (brukade) always take me to the circus.
  • Will (kan) you be kind enough to lend me your car.
  • We had the day off yesterday so we could (kunde) do what ever we wanted.
  • Who could have sent these flowers? They must (måste) have cost a fortune.
  • I don't know where my sister is at the moment. She might (skulle kunna) be at her dance class.
  • I can (kan) help you with that if you want.
  • You have passed all your tests. You should (borde) be very pleased with yourself.
  • Today she is spending time with her grandmother. Idag tillbringar hon tid med sin mormor.
  • They usually go to the gym on Sundays. De går vanligtvis till gymmet på söndagar.
  • Jim is wearing a new jacket today. Jim har på sig en ny jacka idag.
  • I think my parents are watching TV in the living room. Jag tror att mina föräldrar tittar på TV i vardagsrummet.
  • Their cousin, whose parents live in Canada, has just bought a new car. Deras kusin, vars föräldrar bor i Kanada, har just köpt en bil.
  • While we were discussing the problem, someone suggested an interesting solution. Medan vi diskuterade problemet, föreslog någon en intressant lösning.
  • We couldn't decide whose idea was the best. Vi kunde inte bestämma oss för vems idé som var bäst.
  • My sister's dog usually sleeps on the sofa. Min systers hund brukar sova på soffan.
  • Her brothers have already packed their bags because they are travelling early tomorrow. Hennes bröder har redan packat sina väskor eftersom de reser tidigt i morgon.
  • Shall we meet at the station at three o'clock? Ska vi träffas vid stationen klockan tre?
  • You may borrow my book, but you must be careful with it. Du får låna min bok, men du måste vara försiktig med den.
  • He might not have seen your message yet. Han kanske inte har sett ditt meddelande än.
  • If I were you, I would not trust him. Om jag vore du, skulle jag inte lita på honom.
  • We should leave now if we want to be on time for John's party. Vi bör gå nu om vi vill komma i tid till Johns fest.

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