
The exercise was created 2023-02-21 by MrBonsal352. Question count: 40.

Select questions (40)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • Accentuate to bring out or highlight
  • Auspicious when things look like they will go well.
  • Aspire to want to achieve something
  • Apprehensive hesitant, anxious, not wanting to do something.
  • Boycott to stop supporting something.
  • Chronology arranging events/ dates in the order they happened in.
  • Concoction a mix of a bunch of things
  • Conspicuous clearly visible
  • Diminish to make or become less
  • Disdain to feel someone/ something is unworthy of respect
  • Eclectic having ides, style or taste from a range of sources
  • Exception when someone/something does not need to follow the rule.
  • Egregious shocking and bad
  • Fallacy a mistaken belief
  • Falter to pause or lose speed
  • Flourish to do well or succeed
  • Impending something about to happen
  • Hypocrisy pretending to be upset about something when they do it all the time
  • Impertinent not showing respect, rude.
  • Irrelevant not connected to anything, does not matter
  • Jargon special vocabulary used by a professional group that is hard to understand.
  • Meticulous showing attention to detail.
  • Monotonous boring and repetitive.
  • Multitude a large number of things/ people.
  • Nuisance a person or thing causing problems
  • Ominous the feeling that something bad will happen
  • Outlandish something strange or bizarre
  • Precipice a very steep rock face or cliff, especially a tall one
  • Pertinent important or relevant
  • Quandary uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation.
  • quell to stop or put an end to
  • Recede to go back
  • Recuperate to recover
  • Scarcity something not being around too much.
  • Subside to become less, or lower.
  • Sombre to be sad, or to not be colourful or bright
  • Uncanny strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way
  • Unanimous in full agreement
  • Voracious wanting or devouring large amounts
  • Versatile to have many different uses.

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