Wave After Wave if DIY (SVEN8)

The exercise was created 2021-12-13 by peridot. Question count: 25.

Select questions (25)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • målare decorator
  • snickare carpenter
  • framåt onwards
  • kräva demand
  • bredd range
  • färdighet skill
  • isolerad isolated
  • bygga, konstruera construct
  • massproduktion mass production
  • å andra sidan on the other hand
  • konsument, kund consumer
  • tillgänglig available
  • anpassa customise
  • recept recipe
  • lim, klister glue
  • öka kraftigt to rocket
  • bekväm convenient
  • från början from scratch
  • uppnå, lyckas med achieve
  • avvisa reject
  • ge ut själv self-publish
  • tänka ut, uppfinna devise
  • synvinkel, vinkel angle
  • återvinning recycling
  • bidrag, insats contribution

All None

Shared exercise

