Week 21: Best friends for a day: Frida and Tianna.

The exercise was created 2024-05-19 by zusanne. Question count: 25.

Select questions (25)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • fnissande korv giggling sausage
  • glad, positiv bubbly
  • bullar buns
  • vindruvor grapes
  • vårlök spring onions
  • ett lår a thigh
  • sparris asparagus
  • en maträtt a dish
  • en säl a seal
  • utegångsförbud curfew
  • upphetsad, ivrig excited
  • highlight höjdpunkt
  • jättebra sick
  • Frida åkte till London Frida went to London
  • hon kommer ifrån Karlstad she comes from Karlstad
  • hon är en hästtjej she is a horse girl
  • jag skulle hellre åka till London I would rather go to London
  • vi är ganska högljudda we are quite loud
  • jag har aldrig varit i London I have never been to London
  • jag pratar inte så mycket I don't talk that much
  • mina prioriteringar my priorities
  • åka åkte åkt go went gone
  • prata pratade pratat talk talked talked
  • skratta skrattade skrattat laugh laughed laughed
  • en älg a moose

All None

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