Who Do You See When You Look in the Mirror 9a

The exercise was created 2020-09-11 by peridot. Question count: 29.

Select questions (29)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • se på, betrakta view
  • fråga issue
  • skönhet beauty
  • doft fragrance
  • generera generate
  • fettsugning liposuction
  • utflra perform
  • genomsnitt average
  • ta bort remove
  • ständig constant
  • kamp struggle
  • intryck impression
  • utbyte exchange
  • nyligen recently
  • undersöka examine
  • beslut decision
  • tidsperiod window of time
  • bedöma judge
  • baserad på, grundad på based on
  • ansiktsuttryck facial expression
  • känsla emotion
  • enligt according to
  • inom within
  • även om although
  • ta för givet, utgå ifrån assume
  • tydlig, uppenbar obvious
  • återhämta sig recover
  • eländig, förtvivlad miserable
  • dock, emellertid however

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