Wings 7 Eating out

The exercise was created 2023-10-23 by Kindaenglish4u. Question count: 21.

Select questions (21)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • vad vill du ha? what would you like?
  • vad tar du? what are you having?
  • vad ska du ta? what are you getting?
  • vad vill du/ni dricka? what would you like to drink?
  • och du då? what about you?
  • jag skulle vilja ha... I'd like...
  • jag tar... I'm getting...
  • skulle vi kunna få se matsedeln? could we see the menu please?
  • vad är dagens rätt? what's today's special?
  • skulle vi kunna få beställa? could we order, please?
  • skulle jag kunna få lite mer...? could I have some more...please?
  • skulle vi kunna få notan, tack? could we have the bill, please?
  • ett ögonblick! just a moment!
  • jag är strax tillbaka. I'll be right back.
  • smaklig måltid! enjoy your meal!
  • är allt bra? is everything okay?
  • smakar det bra? are you enjoying your meal?
  • smakade det bra? did you enjoy your meal?
  • här är kvittot. here is your receipt?
  • var snäll och behåll växeln. keep the change, please.
  • skulle vi kunna få notan, tack? could we have the bill, please?

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