Wonder 7 + plural of nouns

The exercise was created 2023-10-13 by Annahog. Question count: 19.

Select questions (19)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • borrow låna
  • hold, held, held hålla, höll, hållit
  • inside innanför, inuti
  • crossed the road korsade vägen
  • going out with gå ut med/dejta
  • surprise överraskning
  • fell to the ground föll till marken
  • evening kväll
  • understand, understood, understood förstår, förstod, förstått
  • together tillsammans
  • (si) tooth- (pl) teeth tand- tänder
  • (si) sheep- (pl) sheep får- får
  • (si) man- (pl) men man- män
  • (si) foot- (pl) feet fot- fötter
  • (si) woman- (pl) women kvinna- kvinnor
  • (si) child- (pl) children barn- barn
  • (si) fish- (pl) fish fisk- fiskar
  • (si) mouse- (pl) mice mus- möss
  • (si) louse- (pl) lice lus- löss

All None

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