(Words) Maggot Moon - Part 1 pages (1-32)

The exercise was created 2024-04-18 by LucasHe. Question count: 31.

Select questions (31)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • affront skymf
  • approaching närma sig
  • atrocity vidrighet, illdåd
  • breeze vindpust
  • caning ge stryk med käpp
  • collar krage
  • commemorate fira
  • concussion hjärnskakning
  • crone kärring
  • crotchety sur uppbrusande
  • cunning listig
  • dark ages medeltiden
  • dawn on inse
  • decency anständighet
  • decree besluta
  • derelict övergiven
  • desk skrivbord
  • dignity värdighet
  • dubious tveksamma
  • fandango spansk dans
  • geezer gubbe
  • grumpy sur
  • imagination fantasi
  • inkling aning, hint
  • invent uppfinna
  • invisible osynlig
  • relinquish glömma
  • strip light lysrör
  • tamper mixtra
  • unsoiled icke nedsmutsade
  • vanish försvinna

All None

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