(Words) Maggot Moon - Part 5 pages (153-183)

The exercise was created 2024-04-18 by LucasHe. Question count: 32.

Select questions (32)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • agitated upprörd
  • anthem nationalsång
  • breed ras
  • brittle göra skör
  • bruise blåmärke
  • daft korkad
  • deserted öde
  • din dån
  • drizzle duggregn
  • eerily kusligt
  • etch etsa
  • expandable förbrukningsbar
  • extinguished släckt
  • feeble klen
  • fiddle mixtra
  • fungus svamp
  • fuse säkring
  • humbug struntprat
  • intruder inkräktare
  • jiggle vicka
  • kettle kittel, kanna
  • lounge vardagsrum
  • poster affisch
  • prevent förhindra
  • prune ansa
  • pungent frän, skarp
  • rumble mullra
  • salvage rädda
  • thorough noggrann
  • tummy mage
  • vegetable patch grönsaksland
  • wince rysa

All None

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