You've Got Mail 7b

The exercise was created 2021-02-16 by peridot. Question count: 33.

Select questions (33)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • stötta support
  • personligheter characters
  • erfarenhet experience
  • visdomsord words of wisdom
  • först ut first up
  • ambitioner ambitions
  • sinne för humor sense of humour
  • sömnig sleepy
  • överraska surprise
  • imitation impression
  • uppmuntra encourage
  • verka vara seem to be
  • tankar thoughts
  • än yet
  • fantastiska amazing
  • undervisning teaching
  • med vänliga hälsningar all the best
  • svara reply
  • en i taget one by one
  • gå med i join
  • utöka expand
  • förbättra improve
  • skrivförmåga writing skills
  • driva run ran run
  • konkurrenskraftig competitive
  • första hjälpen first aid
  • kunskap knowledge
  • skola academy
  • erbjuda offer
  • organisera organize
  • ganska många quite a few
  • stöd support
  • möjlighet possibility

All None

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