Zombie Apocalyose

The exercise was created 2024-08-28 by Daydream. Question count: 35.

Select questions (35)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • Allies Allierade
  • Corpses lik
  • Undead Odöda
  • Apocalypse Apokalyps
  • Orgins Ursprung
  • Fascinating Fascinerande
  • Reanimate Återuppliva
  • Mindless Tanklös
  • Quarantine Karantän
  • Survival Överlevnad
  • Collapse Kollaps
  • Evolution Evolution
  • Predators Rovdjur
  • Humble Ödmjuk
  • Captivate Fängsla
  • Predicts Förutspår
  • Survivors Överlevande
  • Infected Infekterad
  • Spread Sprida
  • Chance Chance
  • Imaginary Påhittad
  • Disasters Katastrofer
  • Prepare Förbereda
  • Outbreak Utbrott
  • Barricades Barrikader
  • Contagious Smittsam
  • Alliances Allianser
  • Resilience Motståndskraft
  • Adapt Anpassa sig
  • Undedected Oupptäckt
  • Thrive Blomstra
  • Well-being Välmående
  • Outrun Springa ifrån
  • Chaos Kaos
  • Portable Bärbar

All None

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