Searched for Postkarte in the dictionary.
Postkarte German | |
English | postcard |
posthaste English | |
Swedish | i ilfart |
postkasse Danish | |
Swedish | brevlåda |
postage English | |
Swedish | porto |
postcards English | |
Swedish | vykort |
postcard English | |
German | Ansichtskarte, Postkarte |
Japanese | はがき |
Polish | pocztówka |
Swedish | vykort, brevkort |
posttaxor Swedish | |
French | tarifs d'affranchissement |
post code English | |
Russian | индекс |
postcode English | |
Swedish | postnummer |
postiche English | |
Swedish | löshår, postisch |
postkontor Norwegian | |
German | Postamt |
posttaxa Swedish | |
Czech | poštovní sazba |
Danish | posttarif |
Dutch | port |
English | postal charges |
Finnish | postimaksut |
French | tarif postal |
German | Posttarif |
Greek | ταχυδρoμικό τέλoς |
Hungarian | postai díjszabás |
Italian | tariffa postale |
Latvian | pasta izdevumi |
Polish | taryfa pocztowa |
Portuguese | tarifa postal |
Slovenian | cene poštnih storitev |
Spanish | tarifa postal |
postkontor Swedish | |
English | post-office, post office, PO |
Estonian | postkontor |
Japanese | ゆうびんきょく |
postkontor Estonian | |
Swedish | postkontor |
postkantoor Dutch | |
German | Postamt |
postgiro Swedish | |
English | giro |
postkontoret Swedish | |
German | das Postamt |
Italian | l' ufficio postale, l'ufficio postale |
Spanish | la oficina de correos |
Postsack German | |
English | mailsack |
pockets English | |
Swedish | fickor |
pastiche English | |
Swedish | mischmasch |
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