State House
Searched for State House in the dictionary.
State House English | |
German | Regierungsgebäude |
stadshus Swedish | |
English | city hall, town hall |
French | hotel de ville |
status Swedish | |
English | status, physical examination |
status Latin | |
Swedish | tillstånd |
statskasse Danish | |
Czech | státní pokladna |
Dutch | schatkist |
English | Treasury |
Finnish | valtion kassa |
French | trésor |
German | Staatskasse |
Greek | δημόσιo θησαυρoφυλάκιo |
Hungarian | államkincstár |
Italian | tesoro |
Latvian | Valsts kase |
Polish | Skarb Państwa |
Portuguese | tesouro |
Slovenian | zakladnica |
Spanish | Tesoro |
Swedish | statskassa |
state school English | |
Swedish | statlig skola |
states English | |
Swedish | stater, fastställer, konstaterar |
state grant English | |
Swedish | statligt stöd |
statuesque English | |
Swedish | statylik |
stad i usa Swedish | |
English | boston |
status English | |
German | Status |
Swedish | status, ställning |
stadshuset Swedish | |
English | the City Hall, the cityhall, the town hall |
French | l'Hôtel de Ville |
German | die Stadthalle |
statisk Swedish | |
English | static |
statistique French | |
Czech | statistika |
Danish | statistik |
Dutch | statistiek |
English | statistics |
Finnish | tilasto |
German | Statistik |
Greek | στατιστική |
Hungarian | statisztika |
Italian | statistica |
Latvian | statistika |
Polish | statystyka |
Portuguese | estatística |
Slovenian | statistika |
Spanish | estadística |
Swedish | statistik |
studious English | |
Spanish | estudiosa |
Swedish | flitig |
State secret English | |
Czech | státní tajemství |
Danish | statshemmelighed |
Dutch | staatsgeheim |
Finnish | valtiosalaisuus |
French | secret d'État |
German | Staatsgeheimnis |
Greek | κρατικό απόρρητo |
Hungarian | államtitok |
Italian | segreto di Stato |
Latvian | iestādes sekretariāts |
Polish | tajemnica państwowa |
Portuguese | segredo de Estado |
Slovenian | državna tajnost |
Spanish | secreto de Estado |
Swedish | statshemlighet |
statistics English | |
Czech | statistika |
Danish | statistik |
Dutch | statistiek |
Finnish | tilasto |
French | statistique |
German | Statistik |
Greek | στατιστική |
Hungarian | statisztika |
Italian | statistica |
Latvian | statistika |
Polish | statystyka |
Portuguese | estatística |
Slovenian | statistika |
Spanish | estadística |
Swedish | statistik |
statist Swedish | |
English | supernumerary, extras |
Russian | статист |
stattdessen German | |
English | instead |
Swedish | istället |
Stadthaus German | |
English | townhouse |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.