Searched for static in the dictionary.
Swedish: statisk
static English | |
Swedish | statisk |
statist Swedish | |
English | supernumerary, extras |
Russian | статист |
stadig Swedish | |
English | constant, steady, firm, stout, sturdy, settled |
German | fest |
Spanish | fijo |
Swedish | stabil |
statisk Swedish | |
English | static |
states English | |
Swedish | stater, fastställer, konstaterar |
status Latin | |
Swedish | tillstånd |
status English | |
German | Status |
Swedish | status, ställning |
status Swedish | |
English | status, physical examination |
stadig Danish | |
Swedish | fortfarande |
stadga Swedish | |
English | by-law, stem, enact |
French | fermeté, affermir |
stadigt Swedish | |
English | firmly, firmely |
stads- Swedish | |
English | urban, metropolitan |
Slovenian | mestni |
Status German | |
English | status |
stadiga Swedish | |
English | sturdy |
stads Swedish | |
English | urban |
statiska Swedish | |
Swedish | stillastående |
stitch English | |
German | heften, Masche, Nähe, steppen, Stich |
Swedish | stygn, nålstygn, styng, sy fast |
statister Swedish | |
English | extras |
statschef Swedish | |
Czech | hlava státu |
Danish | statschef |
Dutch | staatshoofd |
English | head of State |
Finnish | valtionpäämies |
French | chef d'État |
German | Staatschef |
Greek | αρχηγός κράτoυς |
Hungarian | államfő |
Italian | capo di Stato |
Latvian | ES Padomes prezidentūra |
Polish | głowa państwa |
Portuguese | chefe de Estado |
Slovenian | vodja države |
Spanish | jefe de Estado |
studs Swedish | |
English | bounce |
Spanish | bote |
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