absolute pitch
Searched for absolute pitch in the dictionary.
Swedish: absolut gehör
absolute pitch English | |
Swedish | absolut gehör |
absolutistisch German | |
English | absolutistic |
absolut inte Swedish | |
English | cartainly not, certainly not, definitely not, no way, defintely not, absolutely not |
French | surtout pas, bien sûr que non |
German | auf keinen fall |
Spanish | que va, de ningún modo |
absolutistic English | |
German | absolutistisch |
absolute zero English | |
Swedish | absolut nollpunkt |
absolute English | |
German | absolut |
absolutisti Finnish | |
Swedish | helnykterist |
absolutisme French | |
Swedish | envälde |
absolution French | |
Swedish | förlåtelse, syndaförlåtelse, absolution, straffrihet |
absolument French | |
Swedish | absolut, fullständigt, alldeles |
Absolutheit German | |
English | absoluteness |
absolutely not English | |
Swedish | absolut inte |
absoluteness English | |
German | Absolutheit |
absolution English | |
German | die Absolution |
absolutism English | |
German | der Absolutismus |
Swedish | envälde |
absolut ínte Swedish | |
French | bien sûr que non |
absolutist Swedish | |
English | teetotaller |
absolutely English | |
German | völlig |
Swedish | alldeles, precis, absolut, helt och hållet, totalt |
Absolut inte! Swedish | |
English | No way! |
absolutt Norwegian | |
German | unbedingt |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.