Searched for antecedentia in the dictionary.
French: antécédents
antecedentia Swedish | |
French | antécédents |
antecedent English | |
Swedish | korrelat |
antecipera Swedish | |
English | anticipate |
French | anticiper |
anteckna Swedish | |
English | scribble down, write down, enter, note, keep a log, log |
French | enregistrer |
German | notieren |
Spanish | apuntar |
antécédents French | |
Swedish | antecedentia, tidigare historia |
antes de Spanish | |
Swedish | före |
anteckna sig Swedish | |
Spanish | apuntarse |
antécédent French | |
Swedish | korrelat |
anteeksi Finnish | |
German | entschuldigung |
anteckning Swedish | |
English | annotation, note, entry |
antecipation Swedish | |
English | anticipation |
anticonceptie Dutch | |
Czech | antikoncepce |
Danish | prævention |
English | contraception |
Finnish | ehkäisy |
French | contraception |
German | Empfängnisverhütung |
Greek | αvτισύλληψη |
Hungarian | fogamzásgátlás |
Italian | contraccezione |
Latvian | kontracepcija |
Polish | antykoncepcja |
Portuguese | contracepção |
Slovenian | kontracepcija |
Spanish | contracepción |
Swedish | preventivmetod |
anteckningar Swedish | |
English | notes |
antiseptic English | |
German | antiseptisch |
Swedish | antiseptisk, antiseptiskt medel |
anticiper French | |
Swedish | ana, förutse, antecipera, tidigarelägga |
anticipation French | |
Swedish | föregripande, föraning |
antisida French | |
Swedish | mot aids, aids-, antiaids-, aidsbekämpande |
antica Italian | |
Swedish | antik |
andocken German | |
Swedish | docka |
antasten German | |
English | handle |
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