Searched for anteeksi in the dictionary.
German: entschuldigung
anteeksi Finnish | |
German | entschuldigung |
anteckna Swedish | |
English | scribble down, write down, enter, note, keep a log, log |
French | enregistrer |
German | notieren |
Spanish | apuntar |
antes Spanish | |
Norwegian | för |
Swedish | innan, tidigare, förr, före |
anteckning Swedish | |
English | annotation, note, entry |
antik Swedish | |
English | antique, ancient |
French | ancien, ancienne, antique |
Italian | antica, antico |
Latin | antiqua |
antiken Swedish | |
English | antiquity |
German | das klassische Alterrum |
antogs Swedish | |
English | was passed |
antikva Swedish | |
English | roman type |
antes de Spanish | |
Swedish | före |
antics English | |
Swedish | upptåg, spratt |
ants English | |
Swedish | myror |
antik German | |
English | antique |
antas Swedish | |
English | is supposed |
Antiken Swedish | |
French | l'Atiquité |
antagbar Swedish | |
French | admissible |
antasten German | |
English | handle |
antes bien Spanish | |
Swedish | snarare |
andáis Spanish | |
Swedish | ni går |
antog Swedish | |
English | adopted |
andas Spanish | |
Swedish | du går |
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