Searched for attestera in the dictionary.
French: certifier
attestera Swedish | |
French | certifier |
att stelna Swedish | |
English | to harden |
a testa Italian | |
Swedish | per person |
att studera Swedish | |
Croatian | ùčiti |
Spanish | estudiar |
attest Swedish | |
English | attestation, certificate |
French | certification |
a destra Italian | |
Swedish | till höger, höger |
att städa Swedish | |
English | tidying |
att sitta Swedish | |
Finnish | istua |
Russian | сидеть |
att stå Swedish | |
Russian | стоять |
autista Italian | |
English | driver |
at stake English | |
Swedish | på spel |
att diskutera Swedish | |
Spanish | discutir |
attestation English | |
Swedish | attest |
attached English | |
German | befestigt, fügte an |
Swedish | fastsatt, fäst, fäst vid |
attacked English | |
Swedish | överfallna |
autostrada Italian | |
Czech | dálnice |
Danish | motorvej |
Dutch | autoweg |
English | motorway |
Finnish | moottoritie |
French | autoroute |
German | Autobahn |
Greek | αυτoκιvητόδρoμoς |
Hungarian | autópálya |
Latvian | autoceļš |
Polish | autostrada |
Portuguese | auto-estrada |
Slovenian | avtocesta |
Spanish | autopista |
Swedish | motorväg |
ateist Swedish | |
Swedish | person som förnekar Gud, gudsförnekare |
aidstest Swedish | |
German | Aidstest |
att iakta Swedish | |
German | zu beobachten |
autostrada Polish | |
Czech | dálnice |
Danish | motorvej |
Dutch | autoweg |
English | motorway |
Finnish | moottoritie |
French | autoroute |
German | Autobahn |
Greek | αυτoκιvητόδρoμoς |
Hungarian | autópálya |
Italian | autostrada |
Latvian | autoceļš |
Portuguese | auto-estrada |
Slovenian | avtocesta |
Spanish | autopista |
Swedish | motorväg |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.