to harden
Searched for to harden in the dictionary.
Swedish: att stelna
to harden English | |
Swedish | att stelna |
trodden English | |
Swedish | stigit, trampat |
tordön Swedish | |
English | thunder |
träden Swedish | |
French | les arbres |
German | die Bäume |
tartan English | |
German | Schottenkaro |
Swedish | skotsktrutigt tyg, skotskrutigt, skotskrutig, rutigt skotskt tyg, tartanrutig |
threaten English | |
Swedish | hota, hotar |
thirteen English | |
Finnish | kolmetoista |
German | dreizehn |
Swedish | tretton |
trettioen Swedish | |
Spanish | treinta y uno |
treten German | |
English | kick, step |
tirdando Spanish | |
Swedish | dragande |
trident English | |
Swedish | treudd |
tear down English | |
Swedish | slita ner, förstöra, plocka ner |
trade in English | |
Swedish | byta ut |
tretten Danish | |
German | dreizehn |
trade-in English | |
Swedish | inbyte |
tårtan Swedish | |
German | die Torte |
trading English | |
Swedish | handel |
treatment English | |
Swedish | behandling, bemötande |
thwarting English | |
Swedish | hindrande |
tordmule Swedish | |
English | razorbill |
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