Searched for combustible in the dictionary.
English: fuel, German: Brennstoff, French: combustible, Spanish: combustible, Italian: combustibile, Greek: καύσιμα, Czech: palivo, Danish: brændsel, Dutch: brandstof
combustible French | |
Czech | palivo |
Danish | brændsel |
Dutch | brandstof |
English | fuel |
Finnish | polttoaine |
German | Brennstoff |
Greek | καύσιμα |
Hungarian | tüzelőanyag |
Italian | combustibile |
Latvian | degviela |
Polish | paliwo |
Portuguese | combustível |
Slovenian | gorivo |
Spanish | combustible |
Swedish | bränsle |
combustible Spanish | |
Czech | palivo |
Danish | brændsel |
Dutch | brandstof |
English | fuel |
Finnish | polttoaine |
French | combustible |
German | Brennstoff |
Greek | καύσιμα |
Hungarian | tüzelőanyag |
Italian | combustibile |
Latvian | degviela |
Polish | paliwo |
Portuguese | combustível |
Slovenian | gorivo |
Swedish | bränsle |
combustible English | |
Swedish | antändbar |
combustibile Italian | |
Czech | palivo |
Danish | brændsel |
Dutch | brandstof |
English | fuel |
Finnish | polttoaine |
French | combustible |
German | Brennstoff |
Greek | καύσιμα |
Hungarian | tüzelőanyag |
Latvian | degviela |
Polish | paliwo |
Portuguese | combustível |
Slovenian | gorivo |
Spanish | combustible |
Swedish | bränsle |
combustio Latin | |
Swedish | brännskada |
combustion English | |
Swedish | förbränning |
combustível Portuguese | |
Czech | palivo |
Danish | brændsel |
Dutch | brandstof |
English | fuel |
Finnish | polttoaine |
French | combustible |
German | Brennstoff |
Greek | καύσιμα |
Hungarian | tüzelőanyag |
Italian | combustibile |
Latvian | degviela |
Polish | paliwo |
Slovenian | gorivo |
Spanish | combustible |
Swedish | bränsle |
compost bin English | |
Swedish | kompostlåda |
compost pile English | |
Swedish | komposthög |
composting English | |
Swedish | kompostera |
camp site English | |
Swedish | campingplats |
composter English | |
Estonian | helilooja |
compositor English | |
Swedish | kompositör |
composition English | |
Czech | vyrovnání s věřiteli |
Danish | tvangsakkord |
Dutch | akkoordprocedure |
Finnish | velkajärjestely, sävellys |
French | règlement judiciaire |
German | gerichtliches Vergleichsverfahren |
Greek | δικαστικός διακαvovισμός |
Hungarian | csődeljárás |
Italian | amministrazione controllata |
Latvian | mierizlīgums |
Polish | ugoda sądowa |
Portuguese | liquidação judicial |
Slovenian | sodna poravnava |
Spanish | arreglo judicial |
Swedish | komposition, uppsatsskrivning, offentligt ackord, sammansättning, uppsats |
compost English | |
Swedish | kompost |
composure English | |
Swedish | fattning |
camp-site English | |
Swedish | campingplats |
campsite English | |
German | Campingplatz |
Swedish | campingplats, camping |
confusion English | |
German | Durcheinander, Gewirr, Trubel, Verwechslung |
Swedish | förvirring, sammanblandning |
compassion English | |
Swedish | barmhärtighet, medlidande, medkänsla |
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