Searched for compliment in the dictionary.
Swedish: komplimang, ge komplimanger
compliment English | |
Swedish | komplimang, ge komplimanger |
complement English | |
Swedish | fyllnad, komplettera |
complimento Italian | |
Swedish | lyckönskan |
complements English | |
Swedish | tillägg |
complacent English | |
Swedish | självbelåten, lojt, egenkär, nöjt |
compliant English | |
Swedish | eftergiven |
complimentary English | |
Swedish | berömmande, gratis-, gratis |
complaint English | |
German | Beschwerde, Beanstandung |
Swedish | klagomål, anmärkning, reklamation, besvär |
complies English | |
Swedish | åtlyder |
complet French | |
German | ausgebucht, voll |
Swedish | fullständig, fullbelagd, full, hel |
complaints English | |
Swedish | klagomål |
compiler English | |
Swedish | kompilator |
compiled English | |
Swedish | kompilerad |
complementary English | |
Swedish | komplement-, kompletterande |
complicate English | |
Swedish | komplicera |
complere Latin | |
Swedish | fylla |
complicado Spanish | |
Swedish | komplicerad, svår |
completing English | |
Swedish | fullgörande |
complacer Spanish | |
Swedish | glädja, gläder |
completamente Spanish | |
Swedish | helt, helt och hållet, fullständigt, totalt |
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