Searched for contradecir in the dictionary.
Swedish: motsäga
contradecir Spanish | |
Swedish | motsäga |
contraer Spanish | |
Swedish | ådra sig, råka ut för |
contrahecha Spanish | |
Swedish | vanskapt |
contradict English | |
Swedish | säga emot, motsäga |
contradiction English | |
Swedish | motsägelse |
contract English | |
Czech | smlouva |
Danish | kontrakt |
Dutch | contract |
Finnish | sopimus |
French | contrat |
German | Vertrag des bürgerlichen Rechts, Vertrag, vertrag schliessen, zusammenziehen, zuziehen |
Greek | σύμβαση |
Hungarian | szerződés |
Italian | contratto |
Latvian | līgums |
Polish | umowa cywilna |
Portuguese | contrato |
Slovenian | pogodba |
Spanish | contrato |
Swedish | kontrakt, avtal, dra ihop sig, ådra sig, få, dra samman, dra i hop |
contraseña Spanish | |
English | password |
contrahere Latin | |
Swedish | dra samman, reva |
contradicted English | |
Swedish | motsa, motsade |
contrastar Spanish | |
Swedish | skilja, kontrollera, justera |
contractor English | |
Swedish | entreprenör, entrepenör |
contract Dutch | |
Czech | smlouva |
Danish | kontrakt |
English | contract |
Finnish | sopimus |
French | contrat |
German | Vertrag des bürgerlichen Rechts |
Greek | σύμβαση |
Hungarian | szerződés |
Italian | contratto |
Latvian | līgums |
Polish | umowa cywilna |
Portuguese | contrato |
Slovenian | pogodba |
Spanish | contrato |
Swedish | avtal |
contrario Italian | |
Swedish | motsats |
contratar Spanish | |
Swedish | anlita |
contredire French | |
Swedish | säga emot |
controversy English | |
Swedish | strid, tvist, bråk |
contraction English | |
Swedish | sammandragning |
contrast English | |
Swedish | kontrast, kontrastera, motsats |
contrôleur French | |
Swedish | konduktör |
contrary to English | |
Swedish | i motsats till, i strid mot |
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