Searched for corrupción in the dictionary.
corrupción Spanish | |
Czech | korupce |
Danish | korruption |
Dutch | corruptie |
English | corruption |
Finnish | lahjonta |
French | corruption |
German | Korruption |
Greek | δωρoδoκία |
Hungarian | korrupció |
Italian | corruzione |
Latvian | korupcija |
Polish | korupcja |
Portuguese | corrupção |
Slovenian | korupcija |
Swedish | korruption |
corpuscle English | |
Swedish | blodkropp |
corpse English | |
Finnish | ruumis |
Swedish | lik, kropp |
corps French | |
Swedish | kropp |
cervicit Latin | |
Swedish | livmoderhalsinflammation |
corpus Latin | |
Swedish | kropp |
corps English | |
Swedish | kår |
corpses English | |
Swedish | liken |
corpes English | |
Swedish | lik |
cervix Latin | |
Swedish | hals |
carpus Latin | |
Swedish | handlov |
cervicale French | |
Swedish | nack- |
cervical French | |
Swedish | nack- |
corps gras French | |
Czech | tuk |
Danish | fedtstof |
Dutch | oliën en vetten |
English | fats |
Finnish | rasvat |
German | Fettkörper |
Greek | λιπαρή oυσία |
Hungarian | zsírok |
Italian | sostanza grassa |
Latvian | tauki |
Polish | tłuszcz |
Portuguese | gordura |
Slovenian | maščobe |
Spanish | sustancia grasa |
Swedish | fetter |
crevices English | |
Swedish | sprickor |
caer bajo Spanish | |
Swedish | sjunka djupt |
cerbstone English | |
Swedish | gatusten |
crops English | |
Swedish | skördar, grödor |
cervix English | |
Swedish | livmoderhals |
crevice English | |
Swedish | skreva |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.