Searched for crevices in the dictionary.
Swedish: sprickor
crevices English | |
Swedish | sprickor |
crevice English | |
Swedish | skreva |
creeps English | |
Swedish | kryper |
cervicit Latin | |
Swedish | livmoderhalsinflammation |
curves English | |
German | Kurven |
Swedish | kurvor |
cervical French | |
Swedish | nack- |
crops English | |
Swedish | skördar, grödor |
cervix Latin | |
Swedish | hals |
cervicale French | |
Swedish | nack- |
crabs English | |
Swedish | krabbor |
cervus Latin | |
Swedish | hjort |
corpes English | |
Swedish | lik |
cervix English | |
Swedish | livmoderhals |
corpses English | |
Swedish | liken |
chirps English | |
Swedish | kvittrar |
crayfish English | |
Swedish | kräfta |
curbs English | |
Swedish | kuvar |
corpus Latin | |
Swedish | kropp |
carpus Latin | |
Swedish | handlov |
cerveja Portuguese | |
Czech | pivo |
Danish | øl |
Dutch | bier |
English | beer |
Finnish | olut |
French | bière |
German | Bier |
Greek | ζύθoς |
Hungarian | sör |
Italian | birra |
Latvian | alus |
Polish | piwo |
Slovenian | pivo |
Spanish | cerveza |
Swedish | öl |
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