Searched for däremot in the dictionary.
English: on the contrary, while, by contrast, on the other hand, German: dagegen, hingegen, French: au contraire, par contre, Spanish: sin embargo, Italian: invece
däremot Swedish | |
English | on the contrary, while, by contrast, on the other hand |
French | au contraire, par contre |
German | dagegen, hingegen |
Italian | invece |
Lule Sami | gis |
Spanish | sin embargo |
därmed Swedish | |
English | accordingly |
German | damit |
dreamt English | |
Swedish | drömde, drömt |
då däremot Swedish | |
English | whereas |
French | allors que |
door mat English | |
Swedish | dörrmatta |
dramat Swedish | |
German | das Drama |
der Mut German | |
Swedish | modet |
dormito Italian | |
Swedish | sovit |
dörrmatta Swedish | |
English | door mat |
drömt Swedish | |
English | dreamt |
darrande Swedish | |
English | trembling, jittery |
German | zitternd |
durante Spanish | |
English | during |
Swedish | under, i |
Drente Spanish | |
Czech | Drenthe |
Danish | Drenthe |
Dutch | Drenthe |
English | Drenthe |
Finnish | Drenthe |
French | Drenthe |
German | Drente |
Greek | Nτρέvτε |
Hungarian | Drenthe |
Italian | Drenthe |
Latvian | Drente |
Polish | Drenthe |
Portuguese | Drenthe |
Slovenian | Drenthe |
Swedish | Drenthe |
duranto Spanish | |
Swedish | under |
Drente German | |
Czech | Drenthe |
Danish | Drenthe |
Dutch | Drenthe |
English | Drenthe |
Finnish | Drenthe |
French | Drenthe |
Greek | Nτρέvτε |
Hungarian | Drenthe |
Italian | Drenthe |
Latvian | Drente |
Polish | Drenthe |
Portuguese | Drenthe |
Slovenian | Drenthe |
Spanish | Drente |
Swedish | Drenthe |
dauernd German | |
English | abiding |
Swedish | ständigt, hela tiden |
der Motor German | |
Swedish | motorn |
die Armut German | |
Swedish | fattigdomen |
durante Italian | |
Swedish | under |
Drente Latvian | |
Czech | Drenthe |
Danish | Drenthe |
Dutch | Drenthe |
English | Drenthe |
Finnish | Drenthe |
French | Drenthe |
German | Drente |
Greek | Nτρέvτε |
Hungarian | Drenthe |
Italian | Drenthe |
Polish | Drenthe |
Portuguese | Drenthe |
Slovenian | Drenthe |
Spanish | Drente |
Swedish | Drenthe |
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