Searched for descubre in the dictionary.
English: discovers
descubre Spanish | |
English | discovers |
descubrir Spanish | |
Swedish | upptäcka |
descubierto Spanish | |
English | uncovered |
Swedish | upptäckt |
decipere Latin | |
Swedish | bedra |
despair English | |
Swedish | förtvivlan, förtvivla, misströsta, förtvivlad |
desværre Danish | |
Swedish | tyvärr |
desperat Swedish | |
English | frantic, desperate, desperately, frantically |
French | désespéré |
das Zebra German | |
Swedish | zebran |
decipher English | |
Swedish | dechiffrera, tolka |
discovery English | |
German | Entdeckung |
Swedish | upptäckt, rön |
dashbord English | |
Swedish | instrumentbräda |
disperse English | |
Swedish | skingra, skingra sig, sprida |
desperate English | |
German | verzweifelt |
Swedish | förtvivlad, desperat |
das Buro German | |
Swedish | kontoret |
disparu French | |
Swedish | försvunnen, försvunnit |
discovers English | |
Spanish | descubre |
Swedish | upptäcker |
desafiar Spanish | |
Swedish | utmana |
discovered English | |
Swedish | upptäckte |
desabrido Spanish | |
Swedish | bister, sur |
discover English | |
German | entdecken |
Swedish | upptäcka, uppdraga |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.