die Natur
Searched for die Natur in the dictionary.
die Natur German | |
Swedish | naturen, Naturen |
din tur Swedish | |
English | your turn |
French | à toi |
German | du bist dran |
donator Swedish | |
English | donor |
die Mutter German | |
Swedish | mamman |
dénature French | |
Swedish | onaturlig |
diameter English | |
Swedish | diameter |
denaturing English | |
Czech | denaturace |
Danish | denaturering |
Dutch | denatureren |
Finnish | denaturointi |
French | dénaturation |
German | Denaturierung |
Greek | μετoυσίωση |
Hungarian | denaturálás |
Italian | denaturazione |
Latvian | denaturēšana |
Polish | denaturacja |
Portuguese | desnaturação |
Slovenian | denaturacija |
Spanish | desnaturalización |
Swedish | denaturering |
die Antwort German | |
Swedish | svaret |
die Unwetter German | |
Swedish | ovädren |
diameter Swedish | |
English | diameter |
Russian | диаметр |
dentro Italian | |
Swedish | inne |
dentro Spanish | |
Norwegian | inne |
Swedish | inne i, inuti, inom, inne, i, där inne |
den äter Swedish | |
Spanish | come |
denaturace Czech | |
Danish | denaturering |
Dutch | denatureren |
English | denaturing |
Finnish | denaturointi |
French | dénaturation |
German | Denaturierung |
Greek | μετoυσίωση |
Hungarian | denaturálás |
Italian | denaturazione |
Latvian | denaturēšana |
Polish | denaturacja |
Portuguese | desnaturação |
Slovenian | denaturacija |
Spanish | desnaturalización |
Swedish | denaturering |
dom äter Swedish | |
German | Sie essen |
dom heter Swedish | |
Spanish | se llaman |
de andra Swedish | |
English | the others |
French | les autres |
German | die anderen |
Italian | gli altri |
Spanish | los demás |
dom tar Swedish | |
French | ils prennent |
den heter Swedish | |
English | it is called |
French | il s'appelle, elle s'appelle |
Italian | si chiama |
Spanish | se llama |
détenteur French | |
Swedish | innehavare |
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