en mapp

Searched for en mapp in the dictionary.
Spanish: una carpeta

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

en mapp Swedish

Spanishuna carpeta

en apa Swedish

Spanishun mono

en moppe Swedish

Spanishuna moto

en av Swedish

Englishone of

en nypa Swedish

Englisha touch of

en by Swedish

Frenchun village
Spanishun pueblo, un peublo

envy English

Swedishavundas, avundsjukt eftertrakta, missunna, avund, avundsjuka

envoy English


envía Spanish


ein Hof German

Danishen gård

Einbau German


empiä Finnish


Ženeva Slovenian
