en stor puss

Searched for en stor puss in the dictionary.
French: très gros baiser

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

en stor puss Swedish

Frenchtrès gros baiser

en stor fest Swedish

Frenchune grande fête

en stor sak Swedish

Englisha big deal

en stor del Swedish

Spanishbuena parte

en stor stad Swedish

Spanishuna ciudad grande

en stor bit Swedish

Germanein grosses Stück, ein großes Stück

en este caso Spanish

Swedishi det fallet

en stor mängd Swedish

Englishlots of

en stor del av Swedish

Englisha large part of

en stor sväng Swedish

Germaneinen weiten Bogen

en stora syster Swedish

Frenchune grande soeur

en strid Swedish

Spanishuna lucha

en stol Swedish

Frenchune chaise
Lule Samiståvllå
Spanishuna silla

en God Jul Swedish

Englisha Merry Christmas

en stor portion Swedish

Germaneine große Portion, eine grosse Portion

en struntsak Swedish

Englisha trifle

enstaka kurs Swedish

Englishsingle-subject course

en sträcka Swedish

Frenchune distance

en stor familj Swedish

Frenchune grande famille

en stund Swedish

Englisha while, a white, awhile, for a while
Frenchun moment
Germaneine Weile
Spanishun momento

A maximum of 20 results are shown.