forsa förbi

Searched for forsa förbi in the dictionary.
English: rush past

The dictionary on is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

forsa förbi Swedish

Englishrush past

forsa fram Swedish


fors fortis Latin

Swedishfet chans

forska efter Swedish

Englishdelve into

frysa bort Swedish


fresh fruit English

Czechčerstvé ovoce
Danishfrisk frugt
Dutchvers fruit
Finnishtuore hedelmä
Frenchfruit frais
Greekvωπός καρπός
Hungarianfriss gyümölcs
Italianfrutta fresca
Latviansvaigi augļi
Polishowoce świeże
Portuguesefruto fresco
Sloveniansveže sadje
Spanishfruta fresca
Swedishrå frukt, färsk frukt

fersk fisk Danish

Czechčerstvá ryba
Dutchverse vis
Englishfresh fish
Finnishtuore kala
Frenchpoisson frais
Greekvωπό ψάρι
Hungarianfriss hal
Italianpesce fresco
Latviansvaigas zivis
Polishryba świeża
Portuguesepeixe fresco
Sloveniansveža riba
Spanishpescado fresco
Swedishfärsk fisk

forsaavidt Norwegian

Germanan und für sich, schon