gerade, als

Searched for gerade, als in the dictionary.
Swedish: just när, just som

The dictionary on is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

gerade, als German

Swedishjust när, just som

gradual English

Germanallmählich, graduell, stufenweise

gradually English

Germanallmällich, allmälich, allmählich
Swedishgradvis, stegvis, småningom, successivt, efter hand, alltmer, lite i taget, så småning om

gradualism English

Swedishgradvisa framsteg

graduell German


gördel Swedish

Englishgirth, girdle

gjorde illa Swedish


greedily English

Swedishglupskhet, girigt, lystet

girdle English

Swedishgördel, ring

greatly English
