good idea

Searched for good idea in the dictionary.
Swedish: god idé

The dictionary on is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

good idea English

Swedishgod idé

god idé Swedish

Englishgood idea

good deed English

Swedishgod gärning

good at English

Swedishbra på, duktig på

godhet Swedish

Spanishla bondad, benevolencia, bondad

got it English


goaded English


get wet English

Swedishbli blöt

go at it English

Swedishta itu med

get out English

Swedishkomma ut, ta sig ut, få fram

go out with English

Swedishvara tillsammans med, vara ihop med

get at English

Swedishanfalla, få tag i

gated English

Swedishinom staket

gatito Spanish
