Searched for gräs in the dictionary.
English: grass, weed, French: herbe, Spanish: hierba, Italian: erba, Finnish: ruoho
gräs Swedish | |
English | grass, weed |
Finnish | ruoho |
French | herbe |
Italian | erba |
Spanish | hierba |
gross Swedish | |
English | gross |
gris Swedish | |
Czech | prase |
English | pig |
French | cochon |
German | Schwein |
Polish | swinia |
Spanish | el cerdo, cerdo |
Turkish | domuz |
gris Spanish | |
German | grau |
Serbian | siva |
Swedish | grå |
grows English | |
Swedish | växer, odlar |
gris French | |
Swedish | grå, grått |
gros French | |
Swedish | tjock |
gross English | |
Swedish | total, brutto, för fet, gross, äckligt, grov, plump, rå, simpel, äcklig, total-, brutto- |
grass English | |
German | Gras, Grass |
Swedish | gräs, tjalla på |
gross German | |
Danish | stor |
English | big, grand, great, mighty, tall, vast |
Swedish | stor, stort |
gríz Hungarian | |
Czech | obilní šrot |
Danish | gryn (fine) |
Dutch | griesmeel |
English | meal |
Finnish | karkeat jauhot |
French | semoule |
German | Feingrieß |
Greek | σιμιγδάλι |
Italian | semola |
Latvian | rupjmaluma milti |
Polish | kaszka |
Portuguese | sêmola |
Slovenian | drobni zdrob |
Spanish | sémola |
Swedish | grovmalet mjöl |
grus Swedish | |
English | gravel, rubble, grit, pebble |
grogg Swedish | |
English | grog, after-dinner drink |
grec French | |
Swedish | grekisk, grekiska |
Gras German | |
English | grass |
Croatian | trava |
Grass German | |
English | grass |
grouse English | |
Swedish | vild hönsfågel |
grasso Italian | |
Swedish | fet |
grassy English | |
German | grasartig, grasig |
Swedish | gräsbevuxen, grösbevuxen |
grog English | |
Swedish | grogg |
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