Searched for noshörning in the dictionary.
English: rhino, rhinoceros, Latin: rhinoceros
noshörning Swedish | |
English | rhino, rhinoceros |
Latin | rhinoceros |
noshörningen Swedish | |
English | the rhinoceros |
French | le rhinocéros |
German | das Nashorn |
ny gryning Swedish | |
English | new dawn |
noggrann Swedish | |
English | thorough, careful, scrutiny, narrowly, painstaking, accurate, elaborate, strict |
German | sorgfältig, peinlich |
Latin | diligens |
Spanish | meticuloso |
noggrant Swedish | |
English | carefully, thoroughly, accurately, painstakingly, closely |
German | minutiös |
nosgrimma Swedish | |
English | noseband |
Spanish | bozal |
nogrann Swedish | |
English | accurate |
nacharmen German | |
English | imitate |
nous aurons French | |
Swedish | vi kommer att ha |