nothing much

Searched for nothing much in the dictionary.
Swedish: inte mycket, inget särskilt, ingenting att tala om

The dictionary on is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

nothing much English

Swedishinte mycket, inget särskilt, ingenting att tala om

nothing but English

Swedishingenting utom, bara, inget annat än

nothing like English

Swedishinte alls som

nothing else English

Finnishei muuta
Swedishingenting annat, inget annat

nothing left English

Swedishingenting kvar

not much English

Swedishinte så mycket, inte mycket

nothing English

Swedishinget, ingenting, noll, intet

nothing to do English

Swedishinget att göra

nothing at all English

Frenchrien du tout
Swedishingenting alls

nothing unusual English

Swedishinget ovanligt

not enough English

Swedishinte tillräckligt

netting English


net income English

Spanishingreso neto

notnice English
