Searched for nowadays in the dictionary.
Swedish: nuförtiden, nu för tiden, numera
nowadays English | |
Swedish | nuförtiden, nu för tiden, numera |
nowdays English | |
Swedish | nu för tiden, nuförtiden |
now-a-days English | |
Swedish | nu för tiden |
nodus Latin | |
Swedish | knut, knuta |
nadace Czech | |
Danish | fond |
Dutch | stichting |
English | foundation |
Finnish | säätiö |
French | fondation |
German | Stiftung |
Greek | ίδρυμα |
Hungarian | alapítvány |
Italian | fondazione |
Latvian | fonds |
Polish | fundacja |
Portuguese | fundação |
Slovenian | fundacija |
Spanish | fundación |
Swedish | stiftelse |
natas Portuguese | |
Czech | smetana |
Danish | fløde |
Dutch | room |
English | cream |
Finnish | kerma |
French | crème |
German | Rahm |
Greek | κρέμα γάλακτoς |
Hungarian | tejszín |
Italian | crema |
Latvian | krējums |
Polish | śmietana |
Slovenian | smetana |
Spanish | nata |
Swedish | grädde |
nods English | |
Swedish | knut, nickar |
notis Swedish | |
English | item, paragraph, notice |
Spanish | breve |
notes French | |
Swedish | betyg |
nietas Spanish | |
Swedish | barnbarn |
notes English | |
Swedish | noter, anteckningar |
needs English | |
Spanish | necesita |
Swedish | ovillkorligen, behov |
natuke Estonian | |
Swedish | lite, litet |
näytös Finnish | |
English | display, act |
nietos Spanish | |
Swedish | barnbarn |
noticia Spanish | |
Swedish | nyhet |
näitus Estonian | |
English | exhibitions |
nuts English | |
Swedish | nötter, muttrar, knasig, knäpp |
nudge English | |
Swedish | knuffa till, puffa till, knuffa till med armbågen, puffa, knuff |
notch English | |
Swedish | hack, skåra, göra hack i, grad, steg |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.