Searched for pilsēta in the dictionary.
palsta Finnish | |
Czech | parcela |
Danish | jordlod |
Dutch | perceel |
English | plot |
French | parcelle |
German | Parzelle |
Greek | αγρoτεμάχιo |
Hungarian | parcella |
Italian | particella catastale |
Latvian | zemes gabals |
Polish | działka rolna |
Portuguese | parcela |
Slovenian | parcela |
Spanish | parcela |
Swedish | skifte |
pilsēta Latvian | |
Czech | město |
Danish | by |
Dutch | stad |
English | town |
Finnish | kaupunki |
French | ville |
German | Stadt |
Greek | πόλη |
Hungarian | város |
Italian | città |
Polish | miasto |
Portuguese | cidade |
Slovenian | mesto |
Spanish | ciudad |
Swedish | stad |
palkata Finnish | |
German | einstellen |
paljett Swedish | |
English | spangle, sequin, tinsel |
plesati Bosnian | |
Swedish | dansa |
polstern German | |
English | upholster |
plikt Swedish | |
English | duty, obligation |
German | Pflicht |
Latin | officium |
polecat English | |
Swedish | iller |
plast Swedish | |
Czech | plast |
Danish | plast |
Dutch | kunststof |
English | plastic, plastics |
Finnish | muovit |
French | matière plastique |
German | Kunststoff |
Greek | πλαστικές ύλες |
Hungarian | műanyagok |
Italian | materia plastica |
Latvian | plastika |
Polish | tworzywa sztuczne |
Portuguese | matéria plástica |
Russian | пластик |
Slovenian | umetne mase |
Spanish | materia plástica |
pelsdyr Danish | |
Czech | kožešinová zvířata |
Dutch | pelsdier |
English | fur-bearing animal |
Finnish | turkiseläin |
French | animal à fourrure |
German | Pelztier |
Greek | γoυvoφόρo ζώo |
Hungarian | prémes állat |
Italian | animale da pelliccia |
Latvian | kažokzvērs |
Polish | zwierzęta futerkowe |
Portuguese | animal para curtumes |
Slovenian | kožuhar |
Spanish | animal para peletería |
Swedish | pälsdjur |
palestra Italian | |
Swedish | gym |
plast Danish | |
Czech | plast |
Dutch | kunststof |
English | plastics |
Finnish | muovit |
French | matière plastique |
German | Kunststoff |
Greek | πλαστικές ύλες |
Hungarian | műanyagok |
Italian | materia plastica |
Latvian | plastika |
Polish | tworzywa sztuczne |
Portuguese | matéria plástica |
Slovenian | umetne mase |
Spanish | materia plástica |
Swedish | plast |
plast Czech | |
Danish | plast |
Dutch | kunststof |
English | plastics |
Finnish | muovit |
French | matière plastique |
German | Kunststoff |
Greek | πλαστικές ύλες |
Hungarian | műanyagok |
Italian | materia plastica |
Latvian | plastika |
Polish | tworzywa sztuczne |
Portuguese | matéria plástica |
Slovenian | umetne mase |
Spanish | materia plástica |
Swedish | plast |
plaster English | |
Czech | sádra |
Danish | gips |
Dutch | gips |
Finnish | kipsi |
French | plâtre |
German | Gips |
Greek | γύψoς |
Hungarian | gipsz |
Italian | gesso |
Latvian | apmetums |
Polish | gips |
Portuguese | gesso |
Slovenian | mavec |
Spanish | yeso |
Swedish | puts, murbruk, kleta ner, mura, plåster, gips |
placid English | |
Spanish | plácido |
Swedish | fridfull, lugn, stilla |
plastic English | |
German | Kunststoff, Plastik, plastisch |
Swedish | plast, av plast |
plasters English | |
Swedish | plåster |
polished English | |
Swedish | polerat, blank, polerad |
plight English | |
Swedish | uppgift, belägenhet, situation |
Palast German | |
English | palace |
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