privātais sektors

Searched for privātais sektors in the dictionary.

The dictionary on is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

privātais sektors Latvian

Czechsoukromý sektor
Danishprivat virksomhed
Dutchparticuliere onderneming
Englishprivate sector
Finnishyksityinen yritys
Frenchentreprise privée
Germanprivates Unternehmen
Greekιδιωτική επιχείρηση
Italianimpresa privata
Polishprzedsiębiorstwo prywatne
Portugueseempresa privada
Slovenianzasebno podjetje
Spanishempresa privada

privat sector Swedish

Englishprivate sector

private sector English

Czechsoukromý sektor
Danishprivat virksomhed
Dutchparticuliere onderneming
Finnishyksityinen yritys
Frenchentreprise privée
Germanprivates Unternehmen
Greekιδιωτική επιχείρηση
Italianimpresa privata
Latvianprivātais sektors
Polishprzedsiębiorstwo prywatne
Portugueseempresa privada
Slovenianzasebno podjetje
Spanishempresa privada
Swedishprivatföretag, privat sector

private stock English

Czechsoukromý sklad
Danishprivat lager
Dutchparticuliere voorraad
Finnishyksityinen varasto
Frenchstock privé
Germanprivates Lager
Greekιδιωτικό απόθεμα
Italianscorte private
Latvianprivātie krājumi
Polishskład prywatny
Portugueseexistências privadas
Slovenianzasebne zaloge
Spanishstock privado
Swedishprivat lager

privat skov Danish

Czechsoukromé lesy
Dutchparticulier bos
Englishprivate forest
Frenchforêt privée
Greekιδιωτικά δάση
Italianbosco privato
Latvianprivāts mežs
Polishlas prywatny
Portuguesefloresta privada
Slovenianzasebni gozd
Spanishmonte privado
Swedishenskild skog