Searched for scones in the dictionary.
English: scones, Swedish: scones
scones Swedish | |
English | scones |
scones English | |
Swedish | scones |
scenes English | |
Swedish | scener |
seines German | |
English | his, its |
synes Danish | |
English | think |
Swedish | tycka |
synes Norwegian | |
German | meinen |
shines English | |
Swedish | skiner, lyser |
songs English | |
Estonian | laulud |
somos Spanish | |
Swedish | vi är, är vi |
scenic English | |
Swedish | naturskön |
sings English | |
Spanish | canta |
Swedish | sjunger |
skans Swedish | |
English | redoubt |
sans Swedish | |
English | senses |
Croatian | svìjest |
seans Swedish | |
English | seance |
sinus Swedish | |
English | sine |
schemes English | |
Swedish | planer |
sinews English | |
Swedish | senor, kraft |
swings English | |
Swedish | svingar |
skins English | |
Swedish | skinn |
synas Swedish | |
English | seem, stand out, be visible |
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