sidste uge
Searched for sidste uge in the dictionary.
German: letzte Woche
sidste uge Danish | |
German | letzte Woche |
sidestep English | |
Swedish | väja för |
sitt eget Swedish | |
English | their own |
steget Swedish | |
German | der Schritt |
sköts ut Swedish | |
English | flung out |
stigit upp Swedish | |
English | risen |
skidskytte Swedish | |
English | biathlon |
sydstatsbo Swedish | |
English | Southerner |
sidostycken Swedish | |
English | jambs |
setzte auf German | |
English | sat up |
sydstadsbo Swedish | |
English | Southerner |
skadestue Danish | |
German | Unfallstation |
sydostlig Swedish | |
English | southeastern |
skidstallet Swedish | |
German | der Skistall |
skidstav Swedish | |
English | ski pole, stick |
Spanish | bastón de esqui |
side street English | |
Swedish | sidogata |
she thought English | |
Swedish | hon tyckte |
stekt ägg Swedish | |
English | fried egg, fried eggs |
Finnish | paistettu muna |
German | Spiegeleier |
sadist English | |
German | Sadist |
saddest English | |
German | am traurigsten |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.