ski poles
Searched for ski poles in the dictionary.
German: Skipfosten
ski poles English | |
German | Skipfosten |
skivbolag Swedish | |
English | record label, recording company |
Spanish | compañia discografica |
skapelse Swedish | |
English | conception, creation |
skapelsen Swedish | |
German | die Schöpfung |
spilkoers Dutch | |
Czech | centrální sazba |
Danish | centralkurs |
English | central rate |
Finnish | keskuskurssi |
French | taux pivot |
German | Leitkurs |
Greek | κεvτρική ισoτιμία |
Hungarian | középárfolyam |
Italian | tasso centrale |
Latvian | centralizētais maiņas kurss |
Polish | kurs centralny |
Portuguese | taxa central |
Slovenian | srednji tečaj |
Spanish | tipo de cambio central |
Swedish | centralkurs |
s'appelles French | |
Swedish | heter |
sie folgen German | |
French | ils suivent |
spells English | |
Swedish | trollformler |
spoils English | |
Swedish | förstör |
shapeless English | |
Swedish | formlös, oformlig |
shoe polish English | |
Swedish | skokräm |
skapelser Swedish | |
English | creations |
supplies English | |
Swedish | proviant, varor, förråd, lager, förnödenheter, materiel |
sváles Lule Sami | |
Swedish | en val |
spelas Swedish | |
English | run |
German | gespielt wird |
skaplig Swedish | |
English | fair, decent |
syphilis English | |
Swedish | syfilis |
Skòplje Croatian | |
Swedish | Skoplje |
sīpolaugs Latvian | |
Czech | cibulová zelenina |
Danish | løggrøntsag |
Dutch | bolgewas |
English | bulb vegetable |
Finnish | sipulikasvis |
French | légume à bulbe |
German | Knollengemüse |
Greek | βoλβώδες λαχαvικό |
Hungarian | gumós zöldség |
Italian | ortaggio a bulbo |
Polish | roślina warzywna bulwiasta |
Portuguese | legume de bolbo |
Slovenian | gomoljaste zelenjadnice |
Spanish | legumbre de bulbo |
Swedish | lök |
sävellys Finnish | |
English | composition |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.