Searched for skuldsatt in the dictionary.
English: in dept, in debt, indebted
skuldsatt Swedish | |
English | in dept, in debt, indebted |
slutsats Swedish | |
English | finding, inference, conclusion, implication |
German | Schluss |
Spanish | conclusión |
skuldsedel Swedish | |
English | promissory note |
skaldjur Swedish | |
English | sea food, shellfish, seafood |
Finnish | äyriäsiä |
Japanese | 貝 |
Spanish | mariscos |
skyldighet Swedish | |
English | obligation, liability |
skyldig Swedish | |
English | guilty, obliged |
French | coupable |
German | schuldig |
Spanish | culpable |
skyldiga Swedish | |
Spanish | culpable |
skoldagen Swedish | |
German | der Schultag |
seltsam German | |
English | quaintly, queer, strange, weird |
schuldig German | |
English | due, guilty |
Swedish | skyldig |
salidas Spanish | |
English | departures |
sealed shut English | |
Swedish | tillsluten |
sludge English | |
German | Schlamm |
Swedish | slam, dy |
shallots English | |
Swedish | schalottenlök |
såldes Swedish | |
English | were sold |
skilde sig Swedish | |
English | divorced |
slitsam Swedish | |
English | backbreaking |
seltsamer German | |
English | weirder |
slutspel Swedish | |
English | playoffs |
slitage Swedish | |
French | usure |
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