Searched for tēja in the dictionary.
tej Hungarian | |
Czech | mléko |
Danish | mælk |
Dutch | melk |
English | milk |
Finnish | maito |
French | lait |
German | Milch |
Greek | γάλα |
Italian | latte |
Latvian | piens |
Polish | mleko |
Portuguese | leite |
Slovenian | mleko |
Spanish | leche |
Swedish | mjölk |
tja Swedish | |
English | well |
Spanish | pues, bueno |
tja Slovenian | |
Swedish | dit |
tiga Swedish | |
English | keep silence |
Estonian | vaikima |
French | se taire |
German | schweigen |
Latin | tacere |
Spanish | callar |
teak English | |
Swedish | teakträ, teak |
toca Spanish | |
English | touches |
Swedish | spela, spelar, spelar instrument, han spelar, hon spelar |
taza Spanish | |
English | cup |
tesi Italian | |
Czech | kandidátská práce |
Danish | afhandling |
Dutch | proefschrift |
English | thesis |
Finnish | väitöskirja |
French | thèse |
German | Hochschulschrift |
Greek | διατριβή |
Hungarian | szakdolgozat |
Latvian | EK atzinums |
Polish | dysertacja |
Portuguese | tese |
Slovenian | diplomska naloga |
Spanish | tesis |
Swedish | avhandling |
tese Portuguese | |
Czech | kandidátská práce |
Danish | afhandling |
Dutch | proefschrift |
English | thesis |
Finnish | väitöskirja |
French | thèse |
German | Hochschulschrift |
Greek | διατριβή |
Hungarian | szakdolgozat |
Italian | tesi |
Latvian | EK atzinums |
Polish | dysertacja |
Slovenian | diplomska naloga |
Spanish | tesis |
Swedish | avhandling |
teos Finnish | |
Swedish | sällskap |
taxa Danish | |
Czech | taxi |
Dutch | taxi |
English | taxi |
Finnish | taksi |
French | taxi |
German | Taxi |
Greek | ταξί |
Hungarian | taxi |
Italian | taxi |
Latvian | taksometrs |
Polish | taksówka |
Portuguese | táxi |
Slovenian | taksi |
Spanish | taxi |
Swedish | taxi |
tēja Latvian | |
Czech | čaj |
Danish | te |
Dutch | thee |
English | tea |
Finnish | tee |
French | thé |
German | Tee |
Greek | τσάι |
Hungarian | tea |
Italian | tè |
Polish | herbata |
Portuguese | chá |
Slovenian | čaj |
Spanish | té |
Swedish | te |
tes Swedish | |
English | thesis |
teak Swedish | |
English | teak |
taga Swedish | |
English | take |
tjo Swedish | |
Spanish | pues |
töja Swedish | |
English | stretch |
taxa Swedish | |
English | rate, tariff |
Russian | такса |
tek Croatian | |
German | Appetit |
tèk Croatian | |
Swedish | nyss, precis bara, inte mer än, inte förrän |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.