Searched for take in the dictionary.
German: bringen, dauern, einnehmen, einschlagen, nehmen, Spanish: tomar, Finnish: viedä, Swedish: köra, intaga, ta, taga, vidtaga, åka
take English | |
Finnish | viedä |
German | bringen, dauern, einnehmen, einschlagen, nehmen |
Spanish | tomar |
Swedish | köra, intaga, ta, taga, vidtaga, åka |
tak Norwegian | |
German | Decke, Dach |
tak Danish | |
English | thank you |
German | danke |
takke Danish | |
Swedish | tacka |
tak Swedish | |
English | roof, fence, roofs, canopy, ceiling, overhang |
Finnish | katon, katto |
French | toit |
Spanish | techo |
tako Slovenian | |
Swedish | så |
tako Croatian | |
English | so |
tak Slovenian | |
Swedish | så, sådan |
tase Finnish | |
Czech | bilance |
Danish | balance |
Dutch | balans |
English | balance sheet |
French | bilan |
German | Bilanz |
Greek | ισoλoγισμός |
Hungarian | mérleg |
Italian | bilancio di società |
Latvian | bilance |
Polish | bilans |
Portuguese | balanço |
Slovenian | bilanca |
Spanish | balance |
Swedish | balansräkning |
takk Norwegian | |
German | danke |
takk Icelandic | |
Swedish | tack |
takuu Finnish | |
Czech | záruka |
Danish | garanti |
Dutch | garantie |
English | guarantee |
French | garantie |
German | Sicherheit |
Greek | εγγύηση |
Hungarian | biztosíték |
Italian | garanzia |
Latvian | garantija |
Polish | gwarancja |
Portuguese | garantia |
Slovenian | poroštvo |
Spanish | garantía |
Swedish | säkerhet |
tese Portuguese | |
Czech | kandidátská práce |
Danish | afhandling |
Dutch | proefschrift |
English | thesis |
Finnish | väitöskirja |
French | thèse |
German | Hochschulschrift |
Greek | διατριβή |
Hungarian | szakdolgozat |
Italian | tesi |
Latvian | EK atzinums |
Polish | dysertacja |
Slovenian | diplomska naloga |
Spanish | tesis |
Swedish | avhandling |
taxi French | |
Czech | taxi |
Danish | taxa |
Dutch | taxi |
English | taxi |
Finnish | taksi |
German | Taxi |
Greek | ταξί |
Hungarian | taxi |
Italian | taxi |
Latvian | taksometrs |
Polish | taksówka |
Portuguese | táxi |
Slovenian | taksi |
Spanish | taxi |
Swedish | taxi |
tache French | |
Swedish | fläck |
taxi Italian | |
Czech | taxi |
Danish | taxa |
Dutch | taxi |
English | taxi |
Finnish | taksi |
French | taxi |
German | Taxi |
Greek | ταξί |
Hungarian | taxi |
Latvian | taksometrs |
Polish | taksówka |
Portuguese | táxi |
Slovenian | taksi |
Spanish | taxi |
Swedish | taxi |
tack English | |
Swedish | häftstift, nubb, stift, tråckla, metod, klibb |
tax English | |
Czech | daň |
Danish | skat |
Dutch | belasting |
Finnish | vero |
French | impôt |
German | bestreuen, strapazieren, Streue, Steuer |
Greek | φόρoς |
Hungarian | adó |
Italian | imposta |
Latvian | nodoklis |
Polish | podatek |
Portuguese | imposto |
Slovenian | davek |
Spanish | impuesto |
Swedish | beskatta, skatt |
Tage German | |
Portuguese | dias |
task English | |
Swedish | uppgift, bestyr, värv, uppdrag, åliggande, svår uppgift, arbetsuppgift, syssla |
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