Searched for taxis in the dictionary.
Swedish: taxi
taxis French | |
Swedish | taxi |
Taxis German | |
English | cabs |
taxes English | |
Swedish | skatter |
tesis Spanish | |
Czech | kandidátská práce |
Danish | afhandling |
Dutch | proefschrift |
English | thesis |
Finnish | väitöskirja |
French | thèse |
German | Hochschulschrift |
Greek | διατριβή |
Hungarian | szakdolgozat |
Italian | tesi |
Latvian | EK atzinums |
Polish | dysertacja |
Portuguese | tese |
Slovenian | diplomska naloga |
Swedish | avhandling |
toxic English | |
Swedish | giftig |
takes English | |
Spanish | toma |
taskig Swedish | |
Danish | tarvelig |
thesis English | |
Czech | kandidátská práce |
Danish | afhandling |
Dutch | proefschrift |
Finnish | väitöskirja |
French | thèse |
German | Hochschulschrift |
Greek | διατριβή |
Hungarian | szakdolgozat |
Italian | tesi |
Latvian | EK atzinums |
Polish | dysertacja |
Portuguese | tese |
Slovenian | diplomska naloga |
Spanish | tesis |
Swedish | tes, avhandling |
tighs English | |
Swedish | lår |
tocas Spanish | |
Swedish | du spelar, du rör, du känner, du hanterar |
ta sig Swedish | |
German | angehen |
tokig Swedish | |
Danish | tosset |
English | crazed, crazy, mad, wrong, out of her mind, silly, daft, out of one's mind |
French | folle, fou |
German | verrückt |
Spanish | loca, loco |
taggig Swedish | |
English | spiked, prickly, jagged, spiky |
thighs English | |
Swedish | lår |
tu sais French | |
Swedish | vet du, kan du, du vet |
tu suis French | |
German | du folgst |
take us English | |
Swedish | ta oss |
teaches English | |
Spanish | enseña |
Swedish | undervisar, lär ut |
tiesas Latvian | |
Czech | vrchní soud |
Danish | jurisdiktion |
Dutch | rechtspraak |
English | courts and tribunals |
Finnish | tuomioistuin |
French | juridiction |
German | Gerichtsbarkeit |
Greek | δικαστήριo |
Hungarian | bíráskodás |
Italian | giurisdizione |
Polish | sądownictwo |
Portuguese | jurisdição |
Slovenian | sodišča |
Spanish | jurisdicción |
Swedish | domstol |
tjugo Swedish | |
Czech | dvacet |
English | twenty |
Finnish | kaksikymmentä |
French | vingt |
German | zwanzig |
Japanese | ni jyu |
Latin | viginti |
Persian | bist |
Russian | двадцать |
Slovenian | dvajset |
Lule Sami | guoktalåk |
Spanish | veinte |
Turkish | yirmi |
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