du spelar
Searched for du spelar in the dictionary.
German: du spielst, Spanish: tocas, juegas, tú tocas
du spelar Swedish | |
German | du spielst |
Spanish | tocas, juegas, tú tocas |
de spelar Swedish | |
German | sie spielen |
Spanish | juegan, ellos tocan |
du spielst German | |
Swedish | du spelar |
display Swedish | |
English | monitor, display |
Finnish | näyttöruutu |
French | affichage |
Russian | дисплей |
display English | |
Czech | zobrazení |
Danish | opslag |
Dutch | bekendmaking |
Finnish | ilmoitustaululla ilmoittaminen, näytös |
French | affichage |
German | Aushang |
Greek | τoιχoκόλληση |
Hungarian | hirdetmény |
Italian | affissione |
Latvian | Eiropas Darba drošības un veselības aizsardzības aģentūra |
Polish | prezentacja informacji |
Portuguese | afixação |
Slovenian | prikaz |
Spanish | anuncio público |
Swedish | utställning, visa, uppvisa, visa upp, uppvisning, skylta, anslag, skyltning, exponering, bildskärm, monitor, display |
degviela Latvian | |
Czech | palivo |
Danish | brændsel |
Dutch | brandstof |
English | fuel |
Finnish | polttoaine |
French | combustible |
German | Brennstoff |
Greek | καύσιμα |
Hungarian | tüzelőanyag |
Italian | combustibile |
Polish | paliwo |
Portuguese | combustível |
Slovenian | gorivo |
Spanish | combustible |
Swedish | bränsle |
displace English | |
Swedish | rubba |
displays English | |
Swedish | uppvisar |
das Spiel German | |
Swedish | spelet, matchen |
die Spiele German | |
Swedish | matcherna |
das Feld German | |
Swedish | planen, fältet, åkern |
das Fell German | |
Swedish | pälsen, fällen |
discipula Latin | |
Swedish | student, elev |
despilfarro Spanish | |
Czech | plýtvání |
Danish | spild |
Dutch | verspilling |
English | wastage |
Finnish | tuhlaus |
French | gaspillage |
German | Verschwendung |
Greek | σπατάλη |
Hungarian | pazarlás |
Italian | sperpero |
Latvian | atliekas |
Polish | marnotrawstwo |
Portuguese | desperdício |
Slovenian | potratna poraba |
Swedish | svinn |
das Blatt German | |
Swedish | bladet, löven |
das Spiele German | |
Swedish | matchen |
des pulls French | |
Swedish | tröjor |
dospělý Czech | |
Danish | voksen |
Dutch | volwassene |
English | adult |
Finnish | aikuinen |
French | adulte |
German | Erwachsener |
Greek | εvήλικoς |
Hungarian | felnőtt |
Italian | adulto |
Latvian | pieaugušais |
Polish | osoba dorosła |
Portuguese | adulto |
Slovenian | odrasla oseba |
Spanish | adulto |
Swedish | vuxen |
das Blut German | |
Swedish | blodet |
desplante Spanish | |
German | Abfuhr |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.