te sientas
Searched for te sientas in the dictionary.
Swedish: du sätter dig
te sientas Spanish | |
Swedish | du sätter dig |
te sientes Spanish | |
Swedish | du känner dig |
tusental Swedish | |
English | thousand |
French | millier |
tusentals Swedish | |
English | thousands of |
German | Tausende von |
to send English | |
Finnish | lähettää |
Japanese | 出す |
Swedish | att skicka |
the giant English | |
Swedish | jätten |
tausend German | |
English | thousand |
Norwegian | tusen |
Swedish | tusen |
tukihinta Finnish | |
Czech | podpůrná cena |
Danish | støttepris |
Dutch | steunprijs |
English | support price |
French | prix de soutien |
German | Stützpreis |
Greek | τιμή στήριξης |
Hungarian | támogatott ár |
Italian | prezzo di sostegno |
Latvian | atbalsta cena |
Polish | cena subwencyjna |
Portuguese | preço de sustentação |
Slovenian | zaščitna cena |
Spanish | precio de sostenimiento |
Swedish | stödpris |
tusen tack Swedish | |
Italian | mille grazie, grazie mille |
they send English | |
Swedish | de skickar |
tusind Danish | |
German | 1000 |
taksometrs Latvian | |
Czech | taxi |
Danish | taxa |
Dutch | taxi |
English | taxi |
Finnish | taksi |
French | taxi |
German | Taxi |
Greek | ταξί |
Hungarian | taxi |
Italian | taxi |
Polish | taksówka |
Portuguese | táxi |
Slovenian | taksi |
Spanish | taxi |
Swedish | taxi |
the sentence English | |
Swedish | meningen |
the century English | |
Swedish | århundradet |
the sand English | |
Swedish | sanden |
the country English | |
Swedish | landet |
tusen takk Norwegian | |
German | vielen Dank |
the sound English | |
Swedish | ljudet |
tekant Swedish | |
English | cartoon |
tiocentare Swedish | |
English | dime |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.