Searched for tusen in the dictionary.
English: thousand, one thousand, a thousand, German: tausend, French: mille, Spanish: mil, Italian: mille, Czech: tisíc, Latin: mille, Croatian: tìsuća, Slovenian: tisoč
tusen Swedish | |
Czech | tisíc |
English | thousand, one thousand, a thousand |
French | mille |
German | tausend |
Italian | mille |
Latin | mille |
Croatian | tìsuća |
Slovenian | tisoč |
Spanish | mil |
Turkish | bin |
tusen Norwegian | |
German | tausend |
tosen Spanish | |
Swedish | hostar |
tusan Swedish | |
English | damn |
Spanish | muchacho |
tosen German | |
English | rage |
taken Swedish | |
English | roofs |
taken English | |
Swedish | taget, tog, tagit, tagen, upptagen |
toisen Finnish | |
Swedish | andra |
token English | |
German | Markierung, Zeichen |
Swedish | spelpjäs, gåva, tecken, symbol, pollett, kupong |
tyken Swedish | |
Finnish | röyhkeä |
tagen Swedish | |
English | taken, occupied |
tiken Swedish | |
French | la chienne |
tagen German | |
Swedish | sammanträda |
tasan Finnish | |
English | exactly, on the dot of |
tysken Swedish | |
German | der Deutsche |
tassen Swedish | |
French | la patte |
German | die Tatze |
taxen Swedish | |
French | le basset |
German | der Dackel |
tågen Swedish | |
German | die Züge |
tauchen German | |
English | dip, dive, duck, diving |
Croatian | raniti |
Swedish | dyka |
tecken Swedish | |
Danish | tegn |
English | sign, omen, signs, token, cue, indication, indicator |
German | Abzeichen |
Latin | signum |
Spanish | el indico, el indicio, barrunto |
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